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  • Writer's picturemina tamang

6 Best Foods to Boost Your Brain and Memory

Most people already know that if they eat a healthful, nutritionally-dense diet, they feel better and have more energy. However, fewer people understand that the food they eat has a direct impact on their ability to think, learn and devote things to memory.

Many studies have demonstrated a connection between certain nutrients and improved cognitive performance. Not only do these mind power foods allow you to do your best, but they also protect brain cells and synapses from the degeneration which often bothers people as they age.

1. Avocados

This succulent fruit is loaded with monounsaturated fat, a healthy source of which supports blood circulation throughout the body. This is beneficial for each the organs, including the mind, which makes the avocado the best brain food for people of all ages. The avocado's potential benefits do not end there. Additionally, it reduces blood pressure, a vital component that helps to boost brain function, because of its high potassium content.

2. Whole Grains

Foods with whole grains provide the critical fuel that keeps your mind active and alert. Bear in mind that although your mind is relatively small in comparison with the rest of your body, it asserts a sizable proportion of the energy you consume. Whole grain foods such as quinoa, whole-wheat bread, and brown rice improve blood circulation and supply the brain with the antioxidants, fiber, and vitamin E that it requires for optimum functioning.

3. Oranges

This incredibly healthy fruit might be the trick to staying mentally sharp as the years go by. This is critical since vitamin C can help to protect the brain against age-related decline. Furthermore, vitamin C is an anti-oxidant, meaning it traps free radicals that would otherwise harm brain cells.

4. Dark Chocolate

With anti-oxidants, flavonoids and caffeine all being organic elements of dark chocolate, it's easy to see why moderate amounts of food may boost brain health. Flavonoids are thought to aid with memory and learning while other elements in dark chocolate protect against cognitive decline.

5. Pumpkin Seeds

Zinc and copper support healthy nerve signaling while magnesium is an integral part of learning and memory.

6. Almond Butter

This is one of the best foods for mental health as it comprises outstanding concentrations of vitamin E. Indulging in a teaspoon of almond butter onto a piece of whole grain bread, in oatmeal, spread on a piece of celery or slathered onto a slice of apple helps people enhance their cognitive abilities.

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